e-support - no matter where you are, I won't let you down
Just a few clicks away from you...
Many of the electrical problems on board a ship or vehicle can be located, analyzed and, in the best case, fixed with a little "electrical knowledge".
I use the latest technologies to offer simple remote support. It's easy with Skype, Signal, Teamviewer and the like.
Install the Signal mobile app and I'll be able to see what's happening on your boat, in your vehicle or in your tiny house.
You can send me a video or audio with a description of the fault or your request.
This type of communication shortens the time required enormously.
I also like to use these options for more detailed explanations of technical issues or troubleshooting.
Don't feel confident with electricity yet? In my two basic sheets, I explain the basics of direct current electricity and its measurement technology in simple terms.
You'll see that it's easier than you thought.
Electricity basics Measuring basics
Further documents with explanations and answers can be found in the footer
Unfortunately, not all problems can be solved remotely, but together a lot is possible.
If necessary, a local technician can help you solve the problem.
Due to my trip to New Zealand, I can recommend one or two technicians, at least on the water.